Linggo, Pebrero 2, 2014

Blogpost #2 Does eating fastfood can lead to obesity?

         We live in a world of getting what we want now and never having to wait. In having a gadget that can easily receive important emails in just one click. But it is not good when it comes to food and our health. Many people used to visit fast food or restaurants that serve delicious and convenient food with reasonable price. They don't realize that this food can cause sickness.

         Did you know eating fastfood often can lead you to obesity and other health problems like heart disease, cancer and diabetes? Majority of food serve here is high in calories and high in fats. A person only needs 400-600 calories in a mealtime. We take 3 meals in a day and 2 snacks. For example; KFC chicken pot pie have 790 calories. If you eat that and drink 300ml of Pepsi, which contain 170 calories, you will have a total of 960 calories. If we eat more than the said amount of calories, we will gain an extra fat in our body in two weeks time. That means that it is a lot of weight gain. And also too much salt and saturated fat can cause bad cholesterol level in the blood.

        In an article "Fastfood linked to child obesity" from the site by Jaime Holguin, stated that youngsters are the one who most wants to eat in a fastfood. They are the ones who visits fast food restaurants daily.

"If we dont somehow stem the tide of childhood obesity, we're going to have a huge problem." says Jaime Holguin

 That's why some schools in Metro Manila have policies in limiting soft drinks and junkfoods, other schools don't serve this kind of food for the welfare of their students. They also promote to eat fruits and vegetables.

       According to an article entitled "Obesity Facts" from the site by Dr. Karan,
Fast food contain more unhealthy fat. Most of the convenient foods contain high levels of saturated fat. This type of fat is mostly derived from animal products such as meat, eggs and butter. Palm oil and coconut oil also contain significant amounts of saturated fat. Eating too much saturated fat can increase bad cholesterol level in the blood. Elevated levels of cholesterol is the main cause of heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular diseases. Another type of fat presents in these food is called trans fat, which is the worst type of fat. We do not need to eat trans fat, even in tiny amounts. Consumption of trans fat is linked to elevated levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. In addition, it can lower the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) in you body.

"Dietary fat, whether saturated or not, is not a cause of obesity, heart disease or any other chronic disease of civilization." says Dr. Karan

        Fast foods affect children and youth often worse than adults. This is because most of the fast foods are targeted towards children and there is a sustained pattern of eating fast foods and eating out.Children with a sustained excess energy imbalance intake of approximately 2% result in the development of obesity over time.A 2% imbalance could mean an excess of only about 30 kilo calories per day. Eating out is another major contributor to childhood obesity. Studies show that calorie content of out-of-home meals that children consumed was 55% higher than that of in-home meals.

"Eating too much fast food is bad for your health because they contain more calories, more unhealthy fat, and more salt. They can lead to obesity, high blood pressure, and coronary heart diseases." stated says Dr. Karan. By this quotation, it stated that it is really unappropriate to eat unhealthy foods because it can lead to a lot of health problems. It explains that when you eat those kinds of foods, there is a high percentage that you can obtain different kinds of sickness. Because the ingredients used for the food in the fast food doesn't help the immune system of the body but may just destroy it.

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